class rpcs

Remote procedure call services via PLP More...

Contains pure virtuals
Definition#include <lib/rpcs.h>
Inherited byrpcs16, rpcs32
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Types

Public Methods

Protected Types

Protected Methods

Protected Members

Detailed Description

Remote procedure call services via PLP

rpcs provides an interface for communicating with the Psion's remote procedure call service. The generic facilities for both, EPOC and SIBO are implemented here, while the facilities, unique to each of those variants are implemented in rpcs32 or rpcs16 respectively. These normally are instantiated by using rpcsfactory .


The known machine types.

enum languages {PSI_LANG_TEST = 0, PSI_LANG_en_GB = 1, PSI_LANG_fr_FR = 2, PSI_LANG_de_DE = 3, PSI_LANG_es_ES = 4, PSI_LANG_it_IT = 5, PSI_LANG_sv_SE = 6, PSI_LANG_da_DK = 7, PSI_LANG_no_NO = 8, PSI_LANG_fi_FI = 9, PSI_LANG_en_US = 10, PSI_LANG_fr_CH = 11, PSI_LANG_de_CH = 12, PSI_LANG_pt_PT = 13, PSI_LANG_tr_TR = 14, PSI_LANG_is_IS = 15, PSI_LANG_ru_RU = 16, PSI_LANG_hu_HU = 17, PSI_LANG_nl_NL = 18, PSI_LANG_nl_BE = 19, PSI_LANG_en_AU = 20, PSI_LANG_fr_BE = 21, PSI_LANG_de_AT = 22, PSI_LANG_en_NZ = 23, PSI_LANG_fr_CA = 24, PSI_LANG_cs_CZ = 25, PSI_LANG_sk_SK = 26, PSI_LANG_pl_PL = 27, PSI_LANG_sl_SI = 28, }

The known interface languages.

enum batterystates {PSI_BATT_DEAD = 0, PSI_BATT_VERYLOW = 1, PSI_BATT_LOW = 2, PSI_BATT_GOOD = 3, }

The known battery states.

typedef struct machineInfo_t

This struct holds the data returned by rpcs::getMachineInfo.

rpcs ()


Virtual destructor.

void  reset ()

Initializes a connection to the remote machine.

void  reconnect ()

Attempts to re-establish a remote connection by first closing the socket, then connecting again to the ncpd daemon and finally calling reset.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getStatus ()

Retrieves the current status of the connection.

Returns: The connection status.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getNCPversion (int &major, int &minor)

Retrieves the version of the NCP protocol on the remote side.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices.

majorThe major part of the NCP version. Valid only if returned with no error.
minorThe minor part of the NCP version. Valid only if returned with no error.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  execProgram (const char *program, const char *args)

Starts execution of a program on the remote machine.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices.

programThe full path of the executable on the remote machine
argsThe arguments for this program, separated by space.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  stopProgram (const char *)

Requests termination of a program running on the remote machine.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  queryProgram (const char *)

Enum<rfsv::errs>  formatOpen (const char drive, int &handle, int &count)

Starts formatting a drive.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices. After calling formatOpen, formatRead should be called n times with the returned handle where n is the value of the returned parameter count.

driveThe drive character to format (e.g: 'C', 'D' etc).
handleThe handle for calling formatRead is returned here.
countThe number of required calls to formatRead is returned here.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  formatRead (int handle)

Continues a running format.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices. Call this function with the handle, returned by formatOpen.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getUniqueID (const char *, long &)

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getOwnerInfo (bufferArray &)

Retrieve owner information of the remote machine.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices.

ownerA bufferArray, containing the lines of the owner info upon return.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getMachineType (Enum<machs> &type)

Retrieves the type of machine on the remote side as defined in machs.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices

typeThe code describing the type of machine on the remote side is stored here on return.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  fuser (const char *name, char *buf, int maxlen)

Retrieves the name of a process, having a given file opened on the remote side.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices

nameThe full path of a file to be checked for beeing used by a program.
bufA buffer which gets filled with the program's name.
maxlenThe maximum capacity of the buffer.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  quitServer (void)

Requests the remote server to terminate.

This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC devices. There is usually no need to call this function, because the remote server is automatically stopped on disconnect.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  queryPrograms (processList &ret)

Retrieves a list of all running Programs.

This function works with both SIBO and EPOC.

retThe list of currently running processes is returned here.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getCmdLine (const char *process, std::string &ret)

[pure virtual]

Retrieves the command line of a running process.

This function works with both SIBO and EPOC. Note: rfsv::getPrograms calls this method internally and sets the args member of PsiProcess , so you usually don't have to call this method yourself.

processName of process. Format: processname.$pid
retThe program name and arguments are returned here.

Returns: Psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getMachineInfo (machineInfo &)


Retrieve general Information about the connected machine.

This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO.

machineInfoThe struct holding all information on return.

Returns: Psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  closeHandle (u_int32_t handle)


Release an rpcs handle.

This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO. It releases a handle, obtained by a previous call to rpcs::configOpen .

handleThe handle to close.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  regOpenIter (u_int32_t, char *, u_int16_t &)


Enum<rfsv::errs>  regReadIter (u_int16_t)


Enum<rfsv::errs>  regWrite (void)


Enum<rfsv::errs>  regRead (void)


Enum<rfsv::errs>  regDelete (void)


Enum<rfsv::errs>  setTime (void)


Enum<rfsv::errs>  configRead (u_int32_t size, bufferStore &data)


Read from Series 5 scratch RAM

This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO. It reads raw data from the scatch RAM of the Series 5.

sizeThe amount of data to me read.
dataThe content of the scratch RAM is returned here.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  configWrite (bufferStore data)


Write to Series 5 scratch RAM

This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO. It writes raw data to the scatch RAM of the Series 5.

dataThe data to be written to the scratch RAM.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  queryOpen (void)


Enum<rfsv::errs>  queryRead (void)


ppsocket * skt


The socket, used for communication with ncpd.

Enum<rfsv::errs> status


The current status of the connection.

enum commands {QUERY_NCP = 0x00, EXEC_PROG = 0x01, QUERY_DRIVE = 0x02, STOP_PROG = 0x03, QUERY_PROG = 0x04, FORMAT_OPEN = 0x05, FORMAT_READ = 0x06, GET_UNIQUEID = 0x07, GET_OWNERINFO = 0x08, GET_MACHINETYPE = 0x09, GET_CMDLINE = 0x0a, FUSER = 0x0b, GET_MACHINE_INFO = 0x64, CLOSE_HANDLE = 0x65, REG_OPEN_ITER = 0x66, REG_READ_ITER = 0x67, REG_WRITE = 0x68, REG_READ = 0x69, REG_DELETE = 0x6a, SET_TIME = 0x6b, CONFIG_OPEN = 0x6c, CONFIG_READ = 0x6d, CONFIG_WRITE = 0x6e, QUERY_OPEN = 0x6f, QUERY_READ = 0x70, QUIT_SERVER = 0xff }


The possible commands.

int mtCacheS5mx


Flag: getMachineType and getMachineInfo have been called and the machine is an S5mx.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  configOpen (u_int16_t &handle, u_int32_t size)

[protected virtual]

Prepare scratch RAM in Series 5 for read/write

This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO. It prepares a scratch area on the EPOC machine for a following use from within rpcs::configRead or rpcs::configWrite . These functions call rpcs::closeHandle on exit. The contents of the scratch area is stored in RAM of the Series 5, therefore it gets lost when the Series 5 is switched off.

handleThe handle to be used in rpcs::configRead , rpcs::configWrite and rpcs::closeHandle is returned here.
sizeThe number of bytes you want to use.

Returns: A psion error code. 0 = Ok.

bool  sendCommand (enum commands cc, bufferStore &data)


Sends a command to the remote side.

If communication fails, a reconnect is triggered and a second attempt to transmit the request is attempted. If that second attempt fails, the function returns an error an sets rpcs::status to E_PSI_FILE_DISC.

ccThe command to execute on the remote side.
dataAdditional data for this command.

Returns: true on success, false on failure.

Enum<rfsv::errs>  getResponse (bufferStore &data, bool statusIsFirstByte)


const char * getConnectName ()
